Children and Families
Families with children are welcome at all our liturgies

Sunday mornings we have childcare available for infants and children up through age 6 in our playroom from 10:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. Parents and children may come and go throughout the service. We also have crayons and lectionary-based coloring sheets available in the back of the church for children to use during the services.
For reasons of safety and security, children cannot wander around the building without supervision, nor can older children be in the playroom, where the childcare providers need to concentrate on the needs of the younger children.
Sunday School
Sunday School is not currently being offered
During the school year Sunday school for all ages begins at 10:15 A.M. It takes place between the 9 and 11 A.M. masses so families can choose which service they wish to attend.
Youth Group
Youth Group is not currently being offered
Led by the Rector and our Seminarian, our 8th through 12th graders enjoy monthly meetings in which they share the Eucharist at a brief Mass and explore topics relevant to their interests and to their spiritual growth. They also go on fun outings and, when possible, have the opportunity to meet up with young Episcopalians from other parishes to broaden their social contacts.
In advance of an Episcopal visitation, Confirmation class is available for interested youth and adults, beginning in middle school and led by the Rector with guest instructors. More information about Confirmation can be found here.
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Youth Acolytes, Lectors, and Ushers
Beginning in primary school, or as soon as they are able, children are invited to serve as Youth Acolytes at all our masses. Participation can include serving at the altar, ushering, or reading the lessons. We even have high school-age thurifers, masters of ceremonies, and subdeacons! This ministry is vital part of our children's development as active participants in the liturgy and adds great vibrancy to our Masses.
Family Events
Throughout the year we try to have special activities for children and families. All children are invited to participate in the annual Christmas Pageant during the early Mass on Christmas Eve and in our annual Easter Egg Hunt in the undercroft following the 9:00 AM Easter Day Mass. Many of our parish youth serve at the weekly soup kitchen and some participate in our Leopards group, in which members visit those who are in need of company or support. Children of all ages are of course enthusiastically welcomed at all coffee hours, parish luncheons, and service days and are an integral part of parish life at Saint Ignatius.
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Parents seeking to baptize their children should contact the Rector. You will find more information about Baptism here